How you bloggers doing my Name is Chris Abyss, I am a Freelance Writer and a Critic on Movies,Music and about today's Fucked up World and Society, I grew up in the Bronx of New York, it is very Hard for a Dude like me to have a Censor over my Words that come from my Blogs, if I offend any people with my Radical words of Expression feel free to drop a Comment and I will do my Best to answer what anyone has to say, I am a very Down to Earth kind of Guy, who just likes to make jokes and give my Thoughts on Life, I kind of Live my Life to the Fullest and Enjoy making People Laugh and putting Smiles on there Angry Faces, if you people want to know anything about me just ask.
P.S: I will be having Flashback Reviews on Old Movies and Classic Music Videos, there will always be something new about Vintage Films and Music on Saturdays and Sundays.
If you want me to Review any Music videos, Movies or About today's Media drop me a Line on Facebook or Twitter. I will do my best to Critic your suggestions.


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