

Saturday, January 24, 2015

(☞◣д◢)☞What I Think of Yale New Haven Hospital 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )

Yale hospital
The first thing I have to say about Yale New Haven Hospital, is that it is the most slowest Hospital that I have ever went to. The reason why I am giving a review about Yale New Haven Hospital is that one day I was cooking for my girlfriend, I wanted to make her a special dinner, that evening which was an interesting day for me. I wanted to surprise her and myself with one of my special stews. When I was preparing the stew, I by accidentally stabbed my left hand with A kitchen knife, all I could do was bite my tongue and try not to scream. I pulled the knife out of my hand as quickly as possible having myself running to the bathroom while keeping pressure on my hand, there was no blood on the floor, Thank God!!! When I got to the bathroom, I turn the cold water from a faucet on as quick as possible rushing my hand under the cold freezing water. While my blood was stopping because of the cold water I grabbed the quickest thing I would see. Which happened to be, A dirty ass rag that I tied my left hand with. While my hand was hurting, I continued my stew I was cooking.

It's pretty fucking hard cooking with one hand. haha haha!!!!
When I was finished preparing the stew I quickly sat down and watched some stuff on the computer with the horrendous smell of the ugly smelly dish rag stained with my blood. Lingering in my nose, which smelled terrible. With no first aid kit by or not even a band aide. I just sat and endured the pain like a straight warrior. Man am I stubborn and hard headed? While I was sitting in pain I managed to update my girlfriend on the situation that occurred while she was out. I tried to not make her feel scared or alarmed. So I said baby I know you are busy, but could you go to a Rite Aid and pick me up some alcohol and peroxide and some bandage wraps that's all. While she was already curious about what happened to me I just laughed and said bring me the stuff when you can, nervous and concerned she said OK?
Not even in Forty Five minutes pass I hear knocking at the door and its my girlfriend asking me let me see it, as she witnesses the injury she says I forgot the peroxide, let's go back out!!! So I quickly get dressed and head outside in the tricky cold weather and head to the nearest dollar store, buy the peroxide and head back home? Which my girlfriend says where are you going? I said back home? She says nope, we're going to the hospital!!! I try to make her reason with me and tell her I am ok? She says no!! You are not OK, you need to see a doctor I said no I don't want to go to the hospital!! So she says to me if you don't go to the doctor I will not make love to you? So I say ok. While walking in the cold to the hospital we go into the hospital and see that there are a lot of people there. So I check myself in. With the very frustrated and annoyed nurse whose face is buried to the computer screen. I show her my wound, she takes my blood pressure, and gives me my wrist band with my name on it and tells me to take a seat. While me and my girlfriend are waiting in the hospitals waiting room we start playing checkers on her tablet, just to let you readers know I arrived at the hospital around 8:30 pm. Me and my girlfriend must have played on her tablet for like 2 hours. As my hand is hurting and not knowing what the hours were people are getting checked in and I am still sitting holding my hand with deep pressure. I go to the nurse and check up a follow through to see when I will get scene and check out, the nurse says beds are currently filled right now you should be seen pretty soon? So I say OK? And I go back to where I was sitting before. Annoyed, frustrated, and very agitated.
yale staff
!!! All This Staff and No Help? !!!
Random people were getting so annoyed waiting so long that they were actually leaving and just going home, which I should have done a long time ago when the hours were flying by? Man was I angry. Now I'm at my wit's end, looking at my watch and noticing that it is 1:45am in the morning? And I finally get seen and checked on by a cool EMT, and then stitched up by an amateur doctor who couldn't stitch my hand to save his own life? Finishes and has me checked out ready to go home, mind you? I was checked, cleaned and stitched up in like Thirty minutes.
!!! Crappy Stitch Job !!!
I waited for this easy process for fucking Seven to almost Eight God Damn Hours!!! Oh and people just let you know these nurses were not even interested in helping these patients out they were too busy looking on their computers at the newest iPhone that was coming out for them to buy there were so many empty rooms available this hospital which I was suffering in was completely available for patients to get recovered in. So I am very angry and mad with this bull shit ass hospital that's suppose to be top of it's class in service for the state of Connecticut. So all I have to say is Fuck Yale New Haven Hospital with everything in my soul. Please if you are injured don't go to this hospital because you can bleed to death and die for waiting so freaking long to finally be Seen.


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