Wow!!! Slipknot Still Fucking Rocks till this Day, if your a huge fan Like I am? you know what I'm talking about? this video was Insane, Cannibalism, Murder, Suicide, Executions, this is the kind of music that matches it's style to Metal Rock Music, Fucking Perfect, Loud Guitars, Explosive Drums, Slipknot is the kind of band you will never get bored of listening too, also R.I.P Paul Gray aka #5, this album was based on his memory, if you don't know Paul Gray of Slipknot, he was the Guitar player who wore the pig mask and the zombie looking metal face
There New Album is Called "The Gray Chapter" and I'm buying the album trust me, I love Metal Rock Music, huge Fan of Ear Bleeding music like Slipknot, I want to own all their Masks, they all are extremely Awesome, my favorite band member is #0 Sid aka DJ Star Scream, he is Fucking Insane on and off the stage at the Slipknot Concerts, and the way he scratches Records is amazing, if you want to hear him do some serious scratching listen to the track "surfacing", that's all I got to say about that. I have every album by this band, I Started listening to these guys ever since High School in the Early 2000's, and I was hooked on there Ear Bleeding Guitar Solos and Insane Percussion Noise, Fucking Love these guys, and if #8 Corey Taylor, the Lead Singer of this Fucking Awesome Band were to Quit? I swear I will never listen to these guys ever again, Hands down, I'm Done, Slipknot is The Mother Fucking Shit...SERIOUSLY.
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