

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist (2014) Movie Review

Street Fighter
Man oh man!!! This movie right here? Street Fighter:Assassin's Fist Brought me all the way back, as a child living back in New York. I remember playing Street Fighter 2  for the Super Nintendo. I remember like it was yesterday, that I could not get off of this game, playing with all these awesome fighters, like Ken, Ryu and Chun Li. Now seeing this movie made me feel that same way like I was playing the video game. From the beginning of the movie was like I was in one of the fighting scenes in the game, like if you were born in the nineties like me? You would know who ken and Ryu are?
Anyways back to this awesome movie. While watching this film I could not take my eyes off the screen, witnessing ken and Ryu fighting was extremely classic, like if you know the music from the video game you would love this movie. Man this is one hell of a movie I gotta tell you what? Basically it's based on the two main characters story on how they met each other and trained each other. And they show you how they grew to be best friends and learn the Hadoken Fire Ball from their Master, who also has a story that explains how the skill was created, and they tell the Story of the man called Akuma, who happens to be one of my favorite Street Fighters of all time, anyways if you like martial arts films this is the movie to watch!!!! 
I fucking loved it all the way through and will watch it again and again. I really hope they make more Street Fighter movies like this one, because it was beyond Fucking Awesome and I totally recommended and Urge readers or bloggers to watch this amazing film. Street Fighter will forever be one of the Best Fighting games of All time, next to Mortal Kombat....Hadoken!!!!
Kiss my Ass Bitch.Haha haha. Good job Capcom for making the best game ever...

Who is Chris Abyss?

What's Up readers and bloggers, my name is Chris abyss I am a dark poet and deep personal blogger. Sorry for the long awaited introduction of myself, but I am a guy from the streets of New York borough the Bronx. I am a very down to earth kind of man with some serious, serious thoughts got built up in my head, which I express upon a pen, page or computer is everything that's within my mind. I love movies and music, but I really despise what today's politics are and what's going on today. I cannot stand to see how our government is treating our people today. Law enforcement and Soldiers Destroying Defenseless lives. This shit makes me Sick!!? I will continue to write and Blog. Try and stop me Bitch ass Government.

And no!!!! I'm Not down with anonymous, I just happen to like this mask LOL!!!!!

Long Awaited Deep Poem from my Thoughts

Evil Men in power
Crying girl
Courtesy of:  Jill Greenberg 
What a world in which we live people dying filled with sadness I cannot think day by day opening my eyes for my deep night's sleep looking at the television to my internet screen people dying getting harassed children frying from world's Hand Grenade Blasts.This earth in which we live is so darn disgusting, feeling as if our world has already ended, walking amongst the streets noticing pedophiles Roaming on a hunt like wolves searching for a rabbit but that is a child far from being food, soon to be taken away from its own mother and father, this is a government allowing this devastation to happen, how to stop this? Nothing, in which can be done, soon they will take our weapons and Guns, leaving us defenseless, martial law will soon occur with soldiers knocking on our doors, pointing their pistols in our faces, Government Destroying and Enforcing Fear, Forcing us people to walk the cold streets, no shoes, torn up clothing, nazi American concentration camps, this will be our world coming into today, I pray to god if there is one? Please let us live just to see our children survive. Just to see a Smile not just pain and disarray...
Crying boy
Courtesy of:  Jill Greenberg

Saturday, January 24, 2015

(☞◣д◢)☞What I Think of Yale New Haven Hospital 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )

Yale hospital
The first thing I have to say about Yale New Haven Hospital, is that it is the most slowest Hospital that I have ever went to. The reason why I am giving a review about Yale New Haven Hospital is that one day I was cooking for my girlfriend, I wanted to make her a special dinner, that evening which was an interesting day for me. I wanted to surprise her and myself with one of my special stews. When I was preparing the stew, I by accidentally stabbed my left hand with A kitchen knife, all I could do was bite my tongue and try not to scream. I pulled the knife out of my hand as quickly as possible having myself running to the bathroom while keeping pressure on my hand, there was no blood on the floor, Thank God!!! When I got to the bathroom, I turn the cold water from a faucet on as quick as possible rushing my hand under the cold freezing water. While my blood was stopping because of the cold water I grabbed the quickest thing I would see. Which happened to be, A dirty ass rag that I tied my left hand with. While my hand was hurting, I continued my stew I was cooking.

It's pretty fucking hard cooking with one hand. haha haha!!!!
When I was finished preparing the stew I quickly sat down and watched some stuff on the computer with the horrendous smell of the ugly smelly dish rag stained with my blood. Lingering in my nose, which smelled terrible. With no first aid kit by or not even a band aide. I just sat and endured the pain like a straight warrior. Man am I stubborn and hard headed? While I was sitting in pain I managed to update my girlfriend on the situation that occurred while she was out. I tried to not make her feel scared or alarmed. So I said baby I know you are busy, but could you go to a Rite Aid and pick me up some alcohol and peroxide and some bandage wraps that's all. While she was already curious about what happened to me I just laughed and said bring me the stuff when you can, nervous and concerned she said OK?
Not even in Forty Five minutes pass I hear knocking at the door and its my girlfriend asking me let me see it, as she witnesses the injury she says I forgot the peroxide, let's go back out!!! So I quickly get dressed and head outside in the tricky cold weather and head to the nearest dollar store, buy the peroxide and head back home? Which my girlfriend says where are you going? I said back home? She says nope, we're going to the hospital!!! I try to make her reason with me and tell her I am ok? She says no!! You are not OK, you need to see a doctor I said no I don't want to go to the hospital!! So she says to me if you don't go to the doctor I will not make love to you? So I say ok. While walking in the cold to the hospital we go into the hospital and see that there are a lot of people there. So I check myself in. With the very frustrated and annoyed nurse whose face is buried to the computer screen. I show her my wound, she takes my blood pressure, and gives me my wrist band with my name on it and tells me to take a seat. While me and my girlfriend are waiting in the hospitals waiting room we start playing checkers on her tablet, just to let you readers know I arrived at the hospital around 8:30 pm. Me and my girlfriend must have played on her tablet for like 2 hours. As my hand is hurting and not knowing what the hours were people are getting checked in and I am still sitting holding my hand with deep pressure. I go to the nurse and check up a follow through to see when I will get scene and check out, the nurse says beds are currently filled right now you should be seen pretty soon? So I say OK? And I go back to where I was sitting before. Annoyed, frustrated, and very agitated.
yale staff
!!! All This Staff and No Help? !!!
Random people were getting so annoyed waiting so long that they were actually leaving and just going home, which I should have done a long time ago when the hours were flying by? Man was I angry. Now I'm at my wit's end, looking at my watch and noticing that it is 1:45am in the morning? And I finally get seen and checked on by a cool EMT, and then stitched up by an amateur doctor who couldn't stitch my hand to save his own life? Finishes and has me checked out ready to go home, mind you? I was checked, cleaned and stitched up in like Thirty minutes.
!!! Crappy Stitch Job !!!
I waited for this easy process for fucking Seven to almost Eight God Damn Hours!!! Oh and people just let you know these nurses were not even interested in helping these patients out they were too busy looking on their computers at the newest iPhone that was coming out for them to buy there were so many empty rooms available this hospital which I was suffering in was completely available for patients to get recovered in. So I am very angry and mad with this bull shit ass hospital that's suppose to be top of it's class in service for the state of Connecticut. So all I have to say is Fuck Yale New Haven Hospital with everything in my soul. Please if you are injured don't go to this hospital because you can bleed to death and die for waiting so freaking long to finally be Seen.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"LifeTime Presents: Whitney" Movie Review

Whitney movie
Lifetime's Bio Picture Film "Whitney"? I got a lot to say about this Movie. First off the Actress is Hotter than the actual Whitney Houston, Second off the Film was only Focusing on Whitney's flaws. What the Fuck Lifetime? I understand your trying to turn into like HBO or Showtime, but that's never going to happen, SERIOUSLY!!! Chill out. OK back to talking about this movie. Whitney Houston was an R&B Diva, Iconic in her own Legendary way, this woman could hold a note for the simplest lyrics, like "I will Always Love you" come on, I heard people try to Hold up to this song not even close? OK back to talking about this Film again, I keep jumping off track, I understand this is (Angela Bassett's) first time Directing, I get it?
but she Destroyed the Beautiful Person who Whitney Houston once was, like right off the back, Fifteen Minutes into the Film she is already doing Bumps of Cocaine, SERIOUSLY??? she was a Clean person, Straight Edge and Everything, Music was her Drug. and Bobby Brown? come on!!!! This Mother Fucker was no God Damn Saint? He introduced Whitney Houston into Drugs like. This movie was fucked up since the Beginning, and to make matters even more worse,
the Actress who is Supposably singing Whitney Houston's Songs, was Fucking Lip Singing!!!!
and What am I seeing watching this Actress Fake Sing Whitney's Unforgettable songs was like watching a Kung Fu Movie, with there words out of Sync from there lips. I don't know Why? this film was made.
Because viewing this movie was like watching a Softcore Porno, and seeing a Woman, getting herself High ass Fuck in her Drug Den House, with her semi wannabe Perfect Bobby Brown. Fuck this Movie!!! it Sucked worse than the Aaliyah Movie, Good Job Lifetime for Fucking up another Dead Celebrites Image of who they once was...
R.I.P Whitney Houston

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Taylor Swift- "Blank Space" Music Video Review

 Taylor Swift-Blank Space
Man, Man, Man!!!! What an Interesting Video Taylor Swift Dropped called "Blank Space" where she in Love with a Man who breaks her Heart at the End, Basically Tall Glass of Champagne Taylor is Sweet Innocent and Lovey- Dovey in the Beginning, and than becomes a Rage Obsessed Jealous Girlfriend who wins at the End of the Video, Like She Smashes a Vintage Classic Car with a Fucking Golf Club!!!
While Viewing this video, everything was ok in the Start of the Video, but I could not get my Eyes off that Beautiful Car!!! I was basically Screaming at the Screen Stop Hitting that Gorgeous Car with that Nine Iron!!!! YOU BITCH!!!! STOP!!!! I wanted to cry, Hahahaha!!!
but Seriously there was no Reason to Go Ham Crazy on a Classic like that? Car's have Feelings like People you know? so Taylor stop being a Jealous Skank and Move on with you Rich Conceited Ass. God!!! That Poor Car.

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) Movie Review

The Hobbit
What a Great Fucking Movie to End a Lord of the Rings Trilogy, SERIOUSLY!!! The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, was Excellent!!! like if you seen the First Hobbit movie and the Second Film, than you should watch this Hobbit movie, Because they continue off from the Second Film with the Dragon Smaug Destroying and Burning Lake Town to the Ground making the Towns People Run and Flee outta Fear, like I don;t want to Ruin the Whole Beginning for you?
you know what I mean? anyways the Thirteen Elves are settling back in there Lonely Mountain Home, trying to Rebuild, while the King of the Dwarves, Thorin gets Brainwashed by the Mountains and Mountains of Gold, he becomes very Bitter, and Drunk with Power, while the other Dwarves confused by there Kings Attitude, Continue to Follow their Orders, While Bilbo is holding the Kings Diamond of the Dwarves, Hides it from Thorin because of his mind becoming Corrupt, Man I wanna tell you Readers the Whole movie so Badly but I can't!
all I can tell you is that there are going to be some very Awesome Battle Scenes and Memorable Quotes from this Film, I loved it, from the Start to the Finish, and what a Great to End The Trilogy, Good Job Peter Jackson. Well Done.

FlashBack Review "Phantasm Trilogy (1979,1988,1994,1998)" Movie Review

The First Phantasm starts off with a boy named Mike, a young teenage boy who has just lost his parents,and is Fucking Scared to lose his brother. This fear causes him to follow his brother to a funeral, where he witnesses this Tall Man lift a Freaking 400 plus pound coffin on his own, If I seen shit like that? I would be like OK? I'm Straight and I need to be the Fuck out now, hahaha!!! This kid later on investigates and discovers a horrible world where the Tall Man, along with his flying Silver Balls, that kill and Drain peoples brains out by drilling and Sucking the insides of your skull out.
 This Fucking Tall Dude has these Midget Minions that are God damn Cannibals, come on how much more does this Freaking Bastard Have? Basically Mike, his brother Jody, and Reggie the ice cream man have to stop this Tall Man Fuck all by themselves. That Fucking Sucks!!!
Well the Second Phantasm Begins off with Twenty Something year old Mike, who is released from Psychiatric Hospital, when he agrees with his Doctor that the Terrible happenings in his past were just in his Imagination.which is Bullshit? once he's free and out of the Hospital, he contacts Reggie right the Fuck away on a Mission to team up to Hunt down and Eliminate this "Tall Man".
This Freak Plunders the Graveyards of The Dark Night and Abducts Corpses to Reanimate them into Zombies with the help of his Terrible Cannibal Gnome Midgets, Later something Strange about this girl who starts to appear in this dude Mike's dreams, and he see's her in danger and assumes she needs his help? so Mike and Reggie go back to where they Started from the Beginning to Kill this Tall Fuck, and long Behold Mike see's the Girl from his Dreams and is Destent to Help Her and Risk his life and His Friend Reggie. its a Never Ending Journey to Kill this Tall Man. JESUS  CHRIST!!!!
Now The Third Phantasm, The Tall Man, that Sonavbitch from the Morning side Mortuary, is back again haunting the thoughts of the now-adult Mike and his friend Ex-Ice Cream Man Reggie. The Two Friends continue their Never Ending Hunt once again for the Mysterious Tall Man, to End his path of Destruction, which they Encounter a variety of dangerous and Fucked up situations, where Reggie meets up with this young boy named Jim who insists for his Help on his Journey to Kill and Destroy the Tall Man Together, while Reggie tries to give up the Family-less Child to an Orphanage, which soon the boy sneaks in Reggie's Trunk of his car to the Path of the Tall Man's Mortuary, where Reggie Meets up with another Person which happens to be a Pro Black Woman Assassin, who Friend gets Murdered by one of the Silver Ball and Seeks Revenge for her Death and joins Reggie and Jim on the Dark Path of the "Tall Man", also they must fight with the resurrected dead, plus a growing number of the Infamous and Deadly Silver Flying Balls which aid the Tall Man, where More Death and Blood Splurting occurs as he sets his sights on indoctrinating Mike as one of his Minions and finishing their fight which begun so many years ago. Feels like it will never End? this Battle.
Finally the Forth Phantasm Takes off immediately where the last one Ended, where you see Mike Driving far in his travels across Dimensions and Trying to Escape from the Tall Man, where Mike Basically Abandoned Reggie in the Catacombs of the Morning Side Mortuary, Where Reggie was up against a wall covered with Dozens of Silver Flying Balls, while Mike sorry and having old Premonitions of Jody and Reggie when he was Young, at the same time he tries to find the origins of the Tall Man, and to know what really happened that night when his Brother Jody died. Meanwhile, Reggie is accompanied by a beautiful girl he picked up on the road, Battles the Silver Flying Balls and the Undead in a Quest to find Mike before the Tall Man can complete his transformation. and there is gonna be a Final Phantasm just for you Horror Fans to know?