I am a
Huge Great fan of Marvel Comics, I collected Spiderman comics, Venom, Punisher and X-Men. I am a complete Nerd, when it comes to this kind of topic, I've seen every single X-Men movie ever since the beginning of the 2000 Era. I was hooked ever since I was a child. I was fascinated with the X-Men cartoon series, and sad when it ended
.fuck, I wish there was more to the movie, all I have to say they better go
more harder on the next film. Gambit better be in the next movie. Hands
down he's gotta be in the next film. I love X-Men best cartoon and Movie ever....

But back to talking about this film. Days of Future Past. I thought it was pretty cool. Even though I
am was expecting more from the film. The action was awesome like always but I wanted to see the Sentinals in some serious action like
on the cartoon. If
your a fan like me and seen the cartoon series the
Sentinals are a big part of the show.
Anyways they follow the movie kind of from the
show which was a good thing. Wolverine is the mother fucking man. And he went back with the bone
claws which was dope as Fuck. The movie was Great, with Quick Silver, Bishop, Black Cat, Ice Man etc. But where is Gambit? The Dude with the Flashing Exploding Cards?
he should
been in this movie, SERIOUSLY!!!!
what the Fuck?
anyways Mystique was Dope, Magneto always Awesome and Evil which is a Good thing, He can never be a Good Guy, Marvel and the Fans know this? Storm was very Bad Ass in this Movie, kicking the Future Sentinels Asses with her Lightning.
and they finally put Colossus in
a X-Men film Finally!!!
the Russian Iron Man of Steel, anyways.
The Next X-Men Film better have Gambit in it!!! I'm Serious, Gambit is a Fan Favorite stop holding him out of your
Films Marvel...
.Good Job on the Movie and the X-Men Trilogy.
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