and just like the First movie Jessica Alba stole the picture with her looks and her amazing body,
The acting was cool, but it kinda dragged a little, like the story line was kind of upside down, people if you seen the first sin city, Mickey Rourke who plays Marv in the movie Dies from the Electric Chair Execution,
and The Bad guy who was suppose to be Michael Clarke Duncan was suppose to be dead from a Bomb Explosion from Clive Owen in the First Sin City, I don't know why he was still alive in this movie, even though the Allstate dude played him pretty well, but whatever. the scenes in the movie that were my favorite was the part when Josh Brolin and Mickey Rourke Team Up and Kick some serious Ass, That sure was alot of killing and Murder on Marv's part, Damn. he crushed a dudes skull with his bare hands for gods sake, LOL, and my alltime favorite was the ending with Jessica Alba Dancing her Ass Off and giving us men a Reason to Drool from our mouths SERIOUSLY!!! Damn Jessica? you and Mickey at the End was the best part of the movie. ifyour a fan of graphic comic book movies like me this movie is for you.
Damn Jesse!!! what's your Deal man? do you have no Soul? I guess not? Because your a Blood Thirsty Piece of Garbage, How could you give your Speech about the Michael Brown Murder and then have people walk around with Collection Plates? what do you think this is? Church? I am so Glad People are finally opening there eyes about you and
Mr.Al Sharpton, and the President of the United States, Jesse "The Bastard" Jackson, I hope the People take your ass out like your other fake ass activists, just trying to get money from the poor, man you got some nerve, just crawl under a rock and Die already, you Leech.
RIP #Michael Brown.
My God How Fucking Disrespectful, Man how I Fucking Hate the Kardashians, They are the Worst Thing to ever happen to Cable Television, I hope on Everything I Love, that there piece of shit of a Show gets Cancelled, Like How Messed up you have to be to Text on your Phone while people are having a moment of Silence for a Deceased Child, I know People and Celebrities at the VMA's aka Video Music Awards, are beyond Angry, I would Spit right in there Fake Ass Faces, Nobody gives a Fuck about you Kim!!! all they care about is your Ass, You Piece of Shit of a Person, I hope God Strikes you and your Sisters Dead, I Spit on all your Graves, Phony Ass People, Show some Respect for yourselves and for people who were wrongly Murdered, you Cunts!!! #RIP Michael Brown.
What up Bloggers!!! This Break Free was kind of Fucking Weird and it was promoting Gay Love at the End, with the Two dudes Kissing, What the Fuck man? Ariana Grandecomeon your on Nickelodeon for God Sake, Yeah!!! I get it you want to Break Free from the Network I'm just Guessing? but Children watch your Music videos, have a little more RESPECT for yourself, Your a Fucking Beautiful girl, who played a Dumb Air Head on a Children's show, Now your wearing Skimpy Clothing Kissing on Aliens, I don't know what more to say about this video? I just was so Grossed out seeing does Two Dudes Kiss, What the Fuck?
What up Bloggers!!! My GOD...Watching this video was like taking Heroin for the First Time, Jesus it sucked so Bad, I felt like smoking a Cigarette after I quit? Katy Perry, What the Hell Girl? your music was OK before NOW!!! its really starting to Suck Ass, Taylor Swifts "Shake it off" was better than this piece of Horse Shit, PLEASE stop trying to act Gangsta, with the corn rolls in your hair, you don't look cool, you look more Stank than a Dead Fly Drying out in the Sun, Please just Stop!!! I'm done with you.
First Thing I have to say about This Video, Iggy Azalea is just a Female version of T.I. her Rap Flow is Straight I don't know why she is Famous, she is Decent to look at and Not as Sexy as many Male Viewers Describe, She is Tall like a Giraffe, and her voice sounds like a Jackass Donkey, SERIOUSLY!!! enough of me critiquing this Australian Rapper, Rita Ora has a Typical sounding female pop singers voice, I recently found out that she is Albanian, like me? which gives her a little Props on my Book, The Beat to this song was Hot, I liked how it dropped and Steady continued, The style of the video was pretty cool, like having Michael Madson in it, he's an Awesome Actor, what I think, But!!! having it "Kill Bill" Style was kind of Whack.
on the Cool part was when Rita Ora was playing Poker with T.I and The Italian Mob Boss from the Movie "Goodfellas" that was Cool, anyways there was alot of Actors and Extras that I noticed, I give some Props on this Video even though Iggy Azalea is Straight on her Rap Skills, Good Job on the Beat thats all. and I don't know why the Video is called "Black Widow"?
Floyd Money Mayweather. how do I start this blog? Well I am a Huge Fan of this Boxing Legend, He's Undefeated, He's a Fucking Champion, He Filthy Fucking Rich, Stop Breaking this guys Balls, He'll Beat the Shit out of Anyone who ever steps in the Ring with him, He can Shit talk and Back it up like a Mother Fucking G', I don't understand why the Media is Messing with his Reading Skills, come on for God's Sake Mike Tyson is Fucking Weird beyond Compare, and his English Skills make no Fucking Sense? so what if Floyd Mayweather kind of sucks at Reading Fuck you, Floyd will always be the Man and The Champ, Fuck You World Media.
My God what a Waste of 4 minutes of my life, SERIOUSLY!!!! The Song Sucked Donkey Balls, The video was not good at all, I happen to think Taylor Swift is Mad Cute with Great Legs, her last Song "Trouble"
is my Shit!!! "I knew you where Trouble when you walked in Shame on me" no Shame on you Taylor for making such a Sucky Song and Stereotypical video, I was Bored, Uninterested, and Fucking Annoyed Please Taylor Stick to what you do Best Country Pop, just Stop with these Corny Songs PLEASE!!!!!!
What up Bloggers!!! I went to go see the new Marvel Movie Guardians of the Galaxy, I'm not too much into Movies with Aliens and Spacey Stuff, but I do have to say the movie was pretty fucking Bad Ass, there was a lot going on, like if you turn your head away from the flick you will miss something, you know what I mean? anyways the acting was cool, Zoe Saldona was mad Sexy for a Green Alien Babe, David Batista was Mad Gangsta and Kind of Funny, my Favorite Character was Rocket the Psycho Raccoon played by Bradley Cooper, with the Big Ass Machine Gun and Homemade Bombs, he was fucking Awesome Point Blank, I would Definitely watch it again just for the Crazy Raccoon. and Gruu Voiced by Vin Diesel.
Nicki Minaj's Anaconda Video was nothing but Booty Shaking and Bad Lyrics, Don't get me wrong the video was Great, if your a guy like me who likes watching ass Jiggling and Shaking this video is for you, Nicki Minaj is Fucking Sexy as Hell, with her Fake Breast and Fat Injected Booty, if you listen to the song you will be hearing words like my fat ass, and so and so, whatever. Drake did not have to be in her video, SERIOUSLY. That man's music fucking sucks worse then George Michael's Freedom, anyways back to
Nicki Minaj, seeing her in that pink G-string
I like had to pause the video and just stare, WOW!!!! All that Booty Quaking was totally worth it, my anaconda don't want none unless you have buns Hun, Sir Mix Alot probably didn't give a fuck that she sampled his lyrics from "baby got back" he got paid and Nicki got paid for her whack ass lyrics and catchy hook, Good Job for giving America and the World Boners.
I Fucking Love The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Donatello was always my Favorite, I just recently seen the New Remake of the 90's Turtles movie
I just have to say Freaking awesome and Dope as Fuck, these Turtles look like there on steroids LOL and they gave Michelangelo PANTS! Wow!!!! Really?
still I think the movie was pretty bad ass, Shredder was a Beast, KC Jones was not in the film which was not cool, Everybody loves a dude fucking the Foot clan soldiers up with a golf club, you know what I mean? Megan Fox was perfect for April O'Neil, I just did not like how they made the story how she gave the turtles names and saved them I would have kept the same story line from the original, that's just me speaking my mind, Hollywood needs to stick to the actual script and not give it so many twists. I will always be a Ninja Turtles Fan for Life, The Next Turtles movie better have KC Jones in it Seriously!!!!
Damn!!! The first thing I need to say about the police on how fucked up they are Beating the shit out of people for no reason, taking there authority way out of control, thinking they are our Slave Masters, Beating and Shooting us.
Fuck these Mother Fucking Doughnut Eating Bacon Filled Bastards, watch when we Revolt on there Asses and give them a piece of our minds.