

Friday, August 29, 2014

Jesse Jackson Booed after asking for Donations from Ferguson Missouri Residents

Damn Jesse!!! what's your Deal man? do you have no Soul? I guess not? Because your a Blood Thirsty Piece of Garbage, How could you give your Speech about the Michael Brown Murder and then have people walk around with Collection Plates? what do you think this is? Church? I am so Glad People are finally opening there eyes about you and
Mr.Al Sharpton, and the President of the United States, Jesse "The Bastard" Jackson, I hope the People take your ass out like your other fake ass activists, just trying to get money from the poor, man you got some nerve, just crawl under a rock and Die already, you Leech.
RIP #Michael Brown.

here's the Link to the Video of Jesse Jackson getting shitted on by the people.


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