

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Chappie (2015) movie review

My my my what an awesome movie!!! I haven't seen a cool movie like this in awhile, like I haven't seen a robot movie like this before? Holywood really needs to keep making Cool Movies like This. The same old Bullshit Dramas get very Fucking Annoying!!! I am just saying? "Chappie" was the shit. 
I have seen Real Steel with Hugh Jackman and it was awesome. This movie "Chappie", is completely different from that boxing robot movie.The main focus was these three bad guys, who kidnap a scientist to help them build a Robot to Steal, Kill or etc. But the scientist creates a robot with human capabilities, and think it's alive just like they are? So basically the robot "Chappie" Learns right from wrong and takes interest in being a Gangsta like the three bad guys. Like this movie kind of shows you what the future looks like? People will never know that robots might help us or fight against us one day, like the beginning of the movie was interesting? I don't want to spoil the whole movie for you readers and bloggers, I just have to say this movie is off the chain with violence, guns and non-stop action. I highly recommend watching this film if you are into robots and non stop violence....

Monday, April 27, 2015

Laughing in the Face of Death

Everyday when I open my eyes I see death upon life's despise can't seem to think what's wrong or right with these dreadful thoughts that come from my mind, endless hate when you walk upon the streets people getting murdered deaths fate, so much pain and hate in the Souls of gods unloved children, me myself a victim of life's pain, a corrupted troubled soul like myself witnesses death upon life's past, witnessing and noticing on newspapers and television sets, people becoming robots viewing their iPhones and Tablets, Frozen like iced statue's, what a disgusting world, death's just around the corner waiting with his sickle, lifeless people just continuing their empty lives, letting a messed up government control what's in their eyes, going home to their quiet and empty, blank space, locking themselves in there cold dark Shells, awaiting another dreadful day, to continue there lives as soulless corpses, finding myself amongst the zombies, lost and searching, laughing in death's face.

The Babadook (2014) Movie Review

What a Great Fucking Movie!!! Man, those British people got me kind of scared watching this film called "The Babadook". The whole time during the movie I was like beat that scary, non listening kid!!! God damn it already? Like this child was straight fucking annoying. SERIOUSLY!!!! The kid was saying messed up shit to his Mother, bringing weapons to School? If I was this kids, Mom, I would be like, let's go buy some ice cream, and once he's buckled up and strapped in, I would slap the living shit out of him. I'm just saying?
Anyways, back to this creepy ass movie. The movie takes place somewhere in England, the main characters are a husband-less Mother with her socially awkward son who's afraid of monster's. The Mother in this film is sweet and trying to cope over the death of her late husband, and her son doesn't get much sleep, waking this poor woman up endlessly, so she reads to her old bedtime stories which put this little bastard to sleep, but yet again the sleepless nights continued, making the young boy more of a stubborn pest, when one night the boys mother lets her son choose a bedtime story from the bookshelf called "The Babadook"
and that's when the film becomes very intense and you can't look away because every scene counts while watching this film. I very much enjoyed this horror/thriller, and if I was a child again this film would give me nightmares like no tomorrow. Watch this movie, it was awesome, Good job England.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Furious 7 (2015) Movie Review

The Girl that Caught my eye in the movie.
R.I.P Paul Walker
R.I.P Paul Walker
What's Up readers and bloggers, I just recently watched furious 7. I think it was a great write off to the late Paul Walker. Yeah, I would say the movie was okay, but it was Paul Walker's last movie. Vin Diesel, Tyrese Gibson, Chris Ludacris bridges, and Jordana Brewster did awesome in this film. I was hearing by reviewers that Paul Walker's two brothers were acting as him in this movie? I was kinda intrigued to see how this film was gonna play out? I was seriously bummed out not to see any car races in this movie, don't get me wrong!!! The film was off the chain, it's just that I expected more cool as cars, not just action? Paul Walker was beyond awesome in all the Fast and Furious movies, it's just extremely sad that this great actor died at such a young age. My hopes and Prayers go out to him and his family, heading back towards reviewing this film, I wouldn't give it so much prop's, because I just wanted more than just action that's all really I have to say on that subject. My favorite scene in this cool movie was when Paul and Vin were driving that amazing car through 3 large buildings trying to make it stop as they escaped almost getting killed by Dubai gangsters, and towards the ending they give Paul Walker an unforgettable send off as Vin gives a beautiful Eulogy while they drive off into the sunset. What a great way to send off a great actor. Good job guys, awesome movie trilogy.
I liked and loved how they kept The Fast and Furious trilogy altogether in this movie.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sorry for the long wait Readers

How are you my readers and fellow bloggers, I know it's been a long time since I posted anything new, I completely apologize. I will be posting some new stuff, because I have been busy from the month and 20 days that I haven't been writing. I did not forget about my website ChrisAbyss.com, I have been thinking about posting a few new poems and thoughts of what I've been doing lately. I have seen some new films but not too many music videos, today's music really sucks. I do have to say the movies of 2015, are not too shabby. I will definitely post some new blogs of these new movies that I've seen and they are pretty good.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FlashBack Review: The Man with the Iron Fists (2012) Movie Review

The RZA from the Iconic Rap group known as the Wu Tang Clan from the early 90s starred and directed this fucking great kung fu film known as "The Man with the Iron Fists". Which was beyond stupid crazy awesome, like if you are into martial art movies this movie is definitely for you. I love this film from the beginning and to the end. The story is about a black man who survived slavery and found a way to escape America, and was shipwrecked in China. Basically the film is about a blacksmith who is in love with a prostitute who stole his heart and loved him deeply,and he goes on a Vengeful Killing Spree Leaving A Bloody Trail of Broken Limbs and Shattered Faces.
Russell Crowe and David Bautista co-starred as well and I can't forget Lucy Liu. RZA knew what she was doing while casting these three people, each one of these actors killed this movie with their acting skills and martial arts performances.
The fighting and swordplay was intense and unforgettable like I never seen so much blood and violence in a kung-fu film. The soundtrack was even awesome as well. I will watch this movie over and over and never get bored of it, I know for a fact there are other people who like martial arts and kung-fu Films just like me , so I highly recommend watching this awesome addicting movie, trust me you will love it and I am NOT blowing smoke up your ass, SERIOUSLY!!! This movie fucking rules.Period.....

Selma (2015) Movie Review

"Selma" a movie about Martin Luther King Jr, is about this legendary activist who fought the rights to help black people suffering in the 1960's. Martin Luther King Jr was a great man with a powerful voice, his words would reach people's hearts and make you believe every word that he explained and said to you. It is a shame that this man did not live to see the 2000 era, because he would do a lot of good for this century in which we live in. God bless this man for having the courage to stand up to the government back in the early 60s.
Martin Luther King Jr was legendary because he helped his fellow African Americans earn the right to vote, it is very sad that this man died because he was a great man, with the power to help and give people bravery in their mind, body, and spirit. This film "Selma" was a great Documentary / Biopic movie about this great man,
but they left out a few important parts about what this great man did,Which is kind of sad. I like this movie a lot but they should have added more important facts about Martin Luther King Jr, I understand completely how this movie got a rating of 4 stars in the movie blockbusters, I advise and permit people to watch this film because it was great and very historic. God bless Martin Luther King jr.

Black or White (2014) Movie Review

Black or white, this movie was your typical kind of film, based on racism and stereotypes. I found this film very boring and Drama based to watch, it was kind of like a freaking soap opera based on black people and white people. I find these kind of movies pretty lame and annoying, they really need to make better films and not so many flix on interracial love, biracial people and racism like "12 years a slave". Don't get me wrong 12 years a slave was a great film but this film black or white was basically a movie about a old white man taking care of his biracial granddaughter because her mother died during birth of this pretty little girl.
The movie is completely based on the little girl, but it drags on and becomes a court kind of movie and it became really whack and hard to watch because it was so freaking boring. I don't want to talk anymore about this movie because it sucked. I thought the little girl was adorable, and Kevin Costner and Octavia Spencer we're pretty good in this movie.
So readers and bloggers if you're into these kind of films you can watch them, because my job as a blogger made this movie hard for me to watch. Because it sucked really freaking bad.

The Voices (2015) Movie Review

First thing I have to say about this film? I freaking loved this movie. Ryan Reynolds killed this movie "The Voices", I already knew this guy was funny, but in this film he was playing insane and crazy and making it hilarious. In the beginning of the film it was kind of boring but then I realized, Ryan Reynolds was in a movie, I figured I give this movie a chance at my attention, so during the film it starts off with this man who works at a toilet / bathtub looking company,and is extremely shy. When the man goes home it seemed normal, but when I noticed that voices were in the background, I was like who are those voices?
Bosco(Dog)-Jerry(Ryan Reynolds)-Mr.Wiskers(Cat)

the main character starts talking back to the voices, while the voices are in action you see a dog and a cat and both of them are talking? Like who wouldn't want animals who talk to you? Because I know I will always have a friend to talk to. The dog sounds kind of like a old school Western hillbilly and the cat talks like a dirty mouth Scottish man, right from the start I fell in love with the cat and dog. They both are fucking hilarious, the dog is the reason and the cat is the wrong, so they are both talking to the main character and trying to win him over.The cat resembles his evil conscience and the dog resembles his good conscience.
I'm So Sorry!!!!

I learned about that later on during the film. All I have to say is if you want to laugh and get freaked out a little bit this film is definitely for you. The movie is Corky and insane mixed up in a crazy batch. I highly recommend watching this movie because I loved it. Good job Ryan Reynolds.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FlashBack Review "BloodSport" (1988) Movie Review

Bloodsport!!!!! My god I fucking love this movie. I watched it like fifty times with my old brother when I was like five years old. I could tell you this film from start to finish, seriously I really can? Me and my brother were obsessed with Jean Claude Van Damme movies. I am not fucking kidding you readers? Anyways back to the movie, basically this film is about a US soldier named Frank Dux.
Who is a martial artist wanting to for fill his Masters dreams by competing in this martial Arts competition called the Kumite. If you readers or bloggers never seen Bloodsport? I highly suggest getting some pop corn and a soda or a beer and watch this awesome movie. Van Damme was in his prime back in the 80's,
With his signature round house kicks and splits, and kicking major ass. If your a fan of Jean Claude Van Damme like I am you will know this old school Martial Arts Movie....
"BloodSport Theme Song"
Fight to Survive

"Penguins of Madagascar" (2014) Movie Review

I Freaking Love This Movie!!! I could not stop laughing, from the beginning and to the end of the movie, well played out. I like how they continued the movie trilogy, and blended off with the other characters of the Madagascar cartoon movie. The Penguins where my favorite from the original movie and now given to them their own movie was awesome. The four penguins names are 
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private.
This film right here will pull you in and not let you go. It was cute, cuddly and very very funny. Skipper and the private where my favorite. Basically this film is about the origins of how the Penguins met each other, so basically they are friends since childbirth and think they are special ops soldiers which is hilarious. I don't want to destroy the movie for you, so I suggest watching this awesome movie with your family or friends because this film is not only for children it could be for adults too...

"Wild Card" (2015) Movie Review

I just finished watching , Jason Statham in his newest movie "Wild Card". Basically this movie is about a bodyguard, who goes and helps people solve their problems of what happened to them. While watching this movie? It was like watching a transporter movie. Don't get me wrong I love watching his films. But this film is like every other movie that he is in. We already know that jason is a badass? But they really need to give him better the roles, I completely understand He's Cool? That this actor plays well in action films. But I want to see him in some kind of film like his old movies. Like has anyone ever seen? Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Hands down one of my favorite movies with this actor in, like he is not really the main actor in this movie. But he was still awesome an unforgettable. Wildcard was it a good film with a good storyline, but I would have expected more? I'm not trying to dump on the movie? But I can see more from this actor jason statham. Like all of his films the fight scenes were incredible. We need to give him a movie kind of like a John Claude Van Damme films, that's just my opinion. But I do want people to watch this film. "Wild Card" was a good film and like all his other films.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist (2014) Movie Review

Street Fighter
Man oh man!!! This movie right here? Street Fighter:Assassin's Fist Brought me all the way back, as a child living back in New York. I remember playing Street Fighter 2  for the Super Nintendo. I remember like it was yesterday, that I could not get off of this game, playing with all these awesome fighters, like Ken, Ryu and Chun Li. Now seeing this movie made me feel that same way like I was playing the video game. From the beginning of the movie was like I was in one of the fighting scenes in the game, like if you were born in the nineties like me? You would know who ken and Ryu are?
Anyways back to this awesome movie. While watching this film I could not take my eyes off the screen, witnessing ken and Ryu fighting was extremely classic, like if you know the music from the video game you would love this movie. Man this is one hell of a movie I gotta tell you what? Basically it's based on the two main characters story on how they met each other and trained each other. And they show you how they grew to be best friends and learn the Hadoken Fire Ball from their Master, who also has a story that explains how the skill was created, and they tell the Story of the man called Akuma, who happens to be one of my favorite Street Fighters of all time, anyways if you like martial arts films this is the movie to watch!!!! 
I fucking loved it all the way through and will watch it again and again. I really hope they make more Street Fighter movies like this one, because it was beyond Fucking Awesome and I totally recommended and Urge readers or bloggers to watch this amazing film. Street Fighter will forever be one of the Best Fighting games of All time, next to Mortal Kombat....Hadoken!!!!
Kiss my Ass Bitch.Haha haha. Good job Capcom for making the best game ever...

Who is Chris Abyss?

What's Up readers and bloggers, my name is Chris abyss I am a dark poet and deep personal blogger. Sorry for the long awaited introduction of myself, but I am a guy from the streets of New York borough the Bronx. I am a very down to earth kind of man with some serious, serious thoughts got built up in my head, which I express upon a pen, page or computer is everything that's within my mind. I love movies and music, but I really despise what today's politics are and what's going on today. I cannot stand to see how our government is treating our people today. Law enforcement and Soldiers Destroying Defenseless lives. This shit makes me Sick!!? I will continue to write and Blog. Try and stop me Bitch ass Government.

And no!!!! I'm Not down with anonymous, I just happen to like this mask LOL!!!!!

Long Awaited Deep Poem from my Thoughts

Evil Men in power
Crying girl
Courtesy of:  Jill Greenberg 
What a world in which we live people dying filled with sadness I cannot think day by day opening my eyes for my deep night's sleep looking at the television to my internet screen people dying getting harassed children frying from world's Hand Grenade Blasts.This earth in which we live is so darn disgusting, feeling as if our world has already ended, walking amongst the streets noticing pedophiles Roaming on a hunt like wolves searching for a rabbit but that is a child far from being food, soon to be taken away from its own mother and father, this is a government allowing this devastation to happen, how to stop this? Nothing, in which can be done, soon they will take our weapons and Guns, leaving us defenseless, martial law will soon occur with soldiers knocking on our doors, pointing their pistols in our faces, Government Destroying and Enforcing Fear, Forcing us people to walk the cold streets, no shoes, torn up clothing, nazi American concentration camps, this will be our world coming into today, I pray to god if there is one? Please let us live just to see our children survive. Just to see a Smile not just pain and disarray...
Crying boy
Courtesy of:  Jill Greenberg